Monday 15 February 2010

Positive outlook

Hi guys,

Welcome to my blog - Glass half full!

I've started this blog with only one intention, due to certain events, the last year was incredibly hard for me and has seen my previously sunny disposition sink into more meloncholic tones.

However I can feel myself beginning pulling through this bout of depression, and I've made a resolution to start looking at the glass that is my life as half full! So this is the reason I've started this blog. I want this to be a place where I can post thoughts that I find uplifting and inspiring.

I would be grateful if you would comment on my blogs with your own empowering ideas, and together maybe we could fill the glass to the top!!! Cheesy!

Here's todays positve thought:

Today Iwas on the tube. I was looking at the posters as I went down the escalators and there was one on plastic surgery. Someone had placed a sticker over the womans face that read

'You don't need this. You are perfect the way you are.'

Thanks for reading
Peter xXx

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