Friday, 5 March 2010


Woah nine days since the last blog! Where did that time go?? So much to talk about... but which topic to choose today? (I really need to start planning these better so that I can get my thoughts out clearer)

Okay first just a quick side note then I'll get onto the main point of this blog. This Wednesday was absolutely the most exciting day of my life, because I got to go to a party that was also attended by the fabulous Kim Cattrall.

If I'm being honest I was expecting to be able to talk to Kim but I only got to see her briefly (she was standing near me for a while and I was so tempted to slap her on the ass but I was on my best behaviour) In the end I met some absolutely lovely people that work in the Vaudeville theatre and had a great night!

Now on to the main section of the blog:

A few days ago I was coming home from work during the rush hour and I was waiting at London bridge for a train. It was due at 7.25 and it was 7.23 and they still hadn't announced what platform the train would be departing from. There were about 250 people waiting in front of the screens and when they finally told us what platform the train was at everybody started a massive surge down a towards the platform. On this particular day it had been raining and the roof of the station leaks quite badly over the left hand stairway. (as seen below)
So in the interest of public safety the station managers had roped off the wet steps, effectively corralling us down the right hand steps and creating a bottleneck and slowing our progress considerably. Then one man, obviously thinking that he wanted to take a short cut down the left stairs and bypass all the other commuters, stepped over the cordon and started down the left steps. As soon as everyone else saw that, it was as if some invisible line was crossed and all of a sudden people started piling down the wet steps (mostly men in suits, with the intention of pushing in front of women. Nice to know that chivalry is dead!!) A few people slipped and fell in the puddles on the stairway, but others just pushed passed and climbed over them, in their eagerness for a seat!

It may not sound much, but it was interesting to observe how easily the fragile facade of society crumbles away. It only took one man to break the rules set up by the station, for everyone to follow suit. This was only a small example of course. But the same could happen on a much larger scale at any moment!!

'Now hold up one minute', I hear you say 'This is supposed to be a positive blog!!'

Well I've been obsessing and worrying about the possibility of a total collapse of society for the last few days now, but then I remembered this blog and decided to start looking at the situation as if the glass were half full!

So today I have spent a lot of time looking on You Tube for some sign that there are people who believe in the value of society and human compassion, and will live their lives morally and with principals, and I think I succeeded!! Check out the video below:

This man, Anderson Cooper, saw a young boy in trouble, with society crumbling around him and, despite having a job to do he was one of the few to help the child, whilst others rampaged around him. Mr Cooper is a true hero, and we should all take a lesson from him. Put yourself in his shoes. Faced with that much death and destruction would you have the courage to help someone else, or just focus on self preservation. I'd like to think that I would have done the same as him, but I pray that I'll never be in that kind of situation.

So there's my example of a good man, if the world had more of him the glass would not only be half full, it would be full to the brim.

Thanks for reading
Peter xXx

Here's today's positive thought:

The best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, a good example; to a father, deference; to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all men, charity.

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